Welcome to Learn By Heart

Learn by Heart is a state licensed Family Home Child Care. We are NAFCC (National Association for Family Child Care) accredited and a Level 4 Paths to Quality childcare provider.

We are one of two home providers that operates at a Level 4 PTQ, and one of three total accredited sites in Bartholomew County. Learn By Heart is owned by sisters Phebe West and Lesley Moss. They are currently the only staff, which means child numbers stay low to provide the highest quality of care possible for your children.

We participate in the CACFP, which is the Indiana State Food Program. We serve breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack daily.  We participate in the On My Way Pre-K program, which offers free preschool to children who turn 4 by August 1 for those who qualify. We also accept CCDF Vouchers.

We utilize Playground, which is an App that provides real time updates about your child throughout the day. These could include developmental observations, what they ate, their rest and bathroom times, behaviors and incidents.

Background - Phebe West

Hello! My name is Phebe West. I am married with two children; Ruthie and Theo. Ruthie attends Columbus East High School and Theo attends Rockcreek Elementary.  Both have busy extracurricular schedules. My husband Nate is an Insurance Agent for Zeller Insurance. We built our home in 2010 and converted our 4-bay garage into a childcare space in 2015. 


I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education from Indiana University. I worked as a kindergarten teacher from 2006 – 2015 and spent most of that time at Taylorsville Elementary. I also taught homebound students for a year. After 9 years of formal teaching, I knew that what was required of me was not what was best for my students. I encountered children who had no social emotional skills, had never had any type of formal learning, and some who didn’t speak English; yet all were held to the same level of expectations as those who came in ‘ready’. After 9 years, I decided that I wanted to do my part to help this and opened Learn By Heart in 2015. My passion is to teach children at the level they are at rather than the level they are told they should be at. I do this while integrating social and emotional skills that will better prepare them for their academic career. 

Background - Lesley Moss

Hello! My name is Lesley Moss and I am married with 3 children;  Leah,  Everett, and Milo. We have a full but exciting schedule. Leah is a student at Indiana University, Everett attends Rockcreek Elementary, and Milo is a pre-k student at Learn By Heart.  My husband James works in the sanitation department at the Department of Public Works in Columbus. 


As of  summer of  2021, I graduated from Ivy Tech with my Associates of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education. I am applying the latest and most up to date research in Early Childhood Development at Learn By Heart by implementing age-appropriate best practices for every child that comes through our door. I am driven by seeing how our high-quality approaches to care result in successful growth and development for our children.  I have worked at Learn By Heart since March of 2016. Although teaching is not my background, I have come to embrace my role at Learn By Heart. I can confidently say the dynamic between my sister, and I is one that can not be matched.  

We are currently enrolling for summer and fall care, ages 2 and up.
We are currently enrolling for summer and fall care, ages 2 and up.